Make a loaf of bread at Lammas and before you put the loaf into the oven, dip a paintbrush in milk and write on the crust what you most desire. Bake the bread, then eat it while still warm.
A book of Anglo-Saxon charms advised the crumbling of the Lammas loaf into four pieces and the burying of them in the four corners of the barn to make it safe for all the grain that would be stored there. You can use this old spellcraft in a protection spell for your home.
Bake a Lammas loaf, and when it is cool break it into four piecesdon't cut it with a knifeand take one to each corner of your property with the words:
I call on the spirits
Of north, and south, east and west
Protect this place
Now, at the time of the Blessing.
Leave the bread for the birds to eat or bury the pieces.
From Lammas: Celebrating The Fruits Of The First Harvest
by Anna Franklin and Paul Mason
A Harvest Spell
Set an orange candle on either side of the caldron. On a piece of paper (small)write the things you have harvested over the past year, light the paper from one of the candles and let it burn in the cauldron. After it is done put some corn (or squash) seeds in the cauldron. "Stir" the seeds with your wand visualizing white light coming from the tip of the wand, filling the cauldron and entering the seeds. When you feel the seeds have absorbed their fill stop, put the seeds into another container to be kept on the altar until next year's planting.
~author unknown